April 17, 2008

cnn is on fire.

a list of video news stories currently available on cnn.com, in their particular order:

  1. man proposes on bus
  2. customize your vacation
  3. jail couture
  4. mama duck saves stuck ducks
  5. 26-toliet mansion planned
  6. the pope's golden tickets
  7. "idol" on the road
  8. germany's memorial train
  9. new rules for travelers
  10. "paving" the world
  11. boy's nose blows vacation
  12. exotic animal found
it started to sound legitimate around #9, but then tanked again with #11 for sure.

(inspired by cnn is like the worst "news" source. Ever. which is way cooler because it has charming illustrations to accompany each hard hitting headline.)

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