December 26, 2007

(non) catholic observations.

i attended a catholic mass on christmas eve and noticed a giant generation gap among attendees. m and i were clearly two of the very few present that represented generation y. on the other hand, there were about a billion children and half a billion babies, so that seems to bode well for catholicism moving forward. their (grand) parents were also out in full force so i'm curious about whether people my age will return to the church once they start spawning, or whether there really is a gap in generational faith. my guess is the former, but seriously, with the hordes of children present - it was standing room only by the time we got there and i was hanging out in these lovely ladies above - catholicism looks to be in great shape re: recruitment of its next legion of followers.

btw, i only recently realized that all christmas carols were christian. i'm a dummy, i know, but i remember wondering when i was younger (or yesterday) why He was always capitalized (randomly). this is kind of like that time when i found out that one of my mom's "friends" was really my aunt. seriously, i didn't know for like six years. it's hard to infer blood relations when stoic asianness overrides PDAs.

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