June 2, 2008

they're not just glorified bathers.

ok. the most RIDONK tv show on right now is definitely groomer has it on animal planet. and honestly, that's saying something since maury is currently showing a behind the scenes exposé of underground teen sex parties featuring a correspondent named egypt.

anyway, i was introduced to this gem by what else? but the soup. btw joel mchale, my mother thanks you. learning is absolutely a lifelong pursuit.

so while i hung out with my brother and sister-in-law this weekend for the first time in months, i made us all watch episode 107 which is definitely the BEST. SHOW. EVER.

however, i think the best discovery was groomer to groomer magazine. because i now feel like i've been living under a rock all my life. prepare yourself for the best cover shoots EVER.

a perfect belated memorial day tribute:

their take on the cw's farmer takes a wife:

harry potter is this dog's bitch. so to speak.

this dog does not feel embarrassed at all. even on behalf of its owner.

this dog, on the other hand, is having an identity crisis. i mean, which pair are its real ears? also, apparently the use of blackface is still acceptable in the grooming community. it's because groomers live life on their own terms. wow.

on that cheery note, hope you had an excellent monday. even if you didn't, fear not because thursday's groomer has it mini-marathon is just around the corner.

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