February 23, 2008

i'll bet my dad is REALLY glad i'm not seven anymore.

i'm a particularly big fan of the "my dad is stronger than your dad" round. because nuthin says luvin like hurling your kid at a giant bullseye to prove your fatherliness.

this reminds me of when i used to watch family feud when i was little (my parents taught me not to discriminate from the get go) and devoted many minutes to figuring out who our fifth teammate would be based on our nuclear family of four and the fact that 100% of our other relatives didn't speak fluent english. i always planned on relying on the "family friend" loophole to get us through.

that, or go on family double dare instead. we could have been the first trailblazing asian family ridiculous enough to brave the wringer.

p.s. wait. my favorite segment of mdibtyd may now be the assault knock-off where one dad uses a fancy launcher thing to shoot fake newspapers at the other dad, who is armed with goggles, kneepads, a helmet, A FRYING PAN & A TENNIS RACKET to fend off the incoming periodicals. jesus.

p.p.s. dan cortese, really? was bob saget booked? oh wait. never mind.

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