January 15, 2008

can i buy a subscription to sky mall?

i seriously ♥ this publication. the only thing that beats this for entertainment on airplanes (especially to asia at the patience-filled age of six) is watching the airplane tracker on the map move 0.9 millimeters every 43 minutes. anyway, where else can you find:

poop freeze...


a net to corral your kid and other debris...
($89.99 which is great because i definitely wouldn't have bought it at $90)

a travel pillow that will guarantee a row all to yourself while simultaneously using up your carry-on quota...

gollum & smeagol bookends...

the "furminator"... (?)

the slanket (psp not included)...

in all honesty, i would totally rock the slanket, particularly in class. and don't judge me - i think they try to freeze off my raging senioritis. you know, poop freeze-style.

(shout out to my sav-y friend, md)

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