January 4, 2008

engrish lessons.

i just got in to my parents' house and my mom told me about a recent run-in with the tricky english language. apparently she was relaying my nascar experience this summer (yes, you read that one right) to a neighbor and the term redneck came up in conversation (shocker, y/n?). so then my mom proceeded to ask said neighbor if rednecks "were clams, or something." considering the race i attended was in the poconos, i'm pretty sure there were no (fresh) clams up there. and maybe this was funnier in the car.

this reminded me of the time my dad relayed a story about his (f.o.b.) arrival on the shores of cornell. invited to a party, he was asked to bring some beer.

so he showed up with a&w.

i'm pretty sure animal house was actually based on his social life.

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