January 21, 2008

just in case you thought YOU watched too much tv.

so apparently someone around here decided that after returning for two days of class - on the heels of five weeks of winter break - the clearly overtaxed mbas needed a three day weekend. they have such faith in us, i think.

anyway, that demanding academic calendar, along with the Great Winter Storm of '08 that yielded exactly zero inches of snow (forcing all durham yuppies to haul ass to whole foods in order to stock up on all-natural, organic survival supplies) means i did absolutely NOTHING over the past two days.

so what does that literally translate into?

i watched THIRTY-EIGHT episodes of veronica mars.

go ahead, mock me. i'm still the ambitious go-getter i once was. i plan on finishing all 44 episodes i have in hand before i go back to class tomorrow.

and you thought you were lame.

p.s. [inappropriate crush] + [favorite tv show] = my mind, blown.

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