January 18, 2008

oh boy.

i realized that i may have to resort to watching tv shows i normally abhor through a lens of irony. appropriately enough, i started doing that in college when i was trying to stave off senioritis. it was during that momentous era that i began to watch (read: plan my class schedule and actual life around) people's court, maury, cheaters, ex-treme dating and 7th heaven. this also probably explains why i kept getting pangs to apply to lincoln tech and consolidate my settlement payments into one lump sum.

anyway, first up on the ironic dvr agenda is semi-homemade with sandra lee. i don't know why i didn't start this sooner since sandy should just be deigned the tv queen of unintentional humor already. this pretty much encapsulates why i love/hate her:

i'm clearly not the first one to get on this little bandwagon o' win. current favorite comment:

Does she not realize that to the rest of us, a party actually means guests. Not a pitcher of hootch, a foot long hot dog, a squeeze bottle of mayo and a video camera. -- Ubi

gotta run. 90210 is on.

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