March 5, 2008

the drought continues.

sorry no, i'm not talking about the diminishing reservoirs around here, though i suppose that is also kind of dire. this, however, is much, MUCH worse.


seriously. m and i came to a point last night where we had to watch those tv shows on your dvr queue that you record but don't actually look forward to watching. at this point, i don't know what's worse - not knowing when the writer's strike would end but getting plenty of new filler shows to distract you in the mean time, or knowing when real tv is returning but having the networks give up on trying to appease you in the mean time.

meanwhile, have we talked intervention? it's just like celebrity rehab. but with real people. and it doesn't actually show rehab. nor does it have the fabulous dr. drew for eye candy appeal. and you have to dig for it on a&e because it's not on mainstream (read: trashy) cable. but it's AWESOME.

so to recap, i'm now dvr-ing shows on a&e, amc (i pretend to be a classy, erudite tv watcher via mad men), bbc america (more on this later), tlc (must. watch. every. real estate. show. EVER.), pbs (jane austen rawks), tvland (rolling the dice on high school reunion tonight) and the cw (no comment).

so thanks, network tv. thanks for making me diversify my tv watching portfolio. because once everything's back on the air in april, my dvr is surely going to commit hari-kari from the sheer volume of it all.

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