March 10, 2008

this is pretty much how i spent the weekend.

if you have three minutes to spare, start at 4:45. if you have two(ish) minutes, start at 5:30. then watch through 7:50 (at least). you won't regret it, seriously.

got an extra minute? if you want to see some payback, start at 7:40 and watch til the end. btw this episode is going to be on again on thursday, should you want to see the whole (non-blurry) thing all at once. you're welcome.

so. chef ramsay. when exactly are you going to get your ass stateside? because we ALL know that any restaurant that BATHES anything in alfredo sauce certainly requires your urgent attention.

NO, i didn't make that up. YES, T.G.I. Friday's, i'm talking about you.

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